Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Debating Immigration Essay - 1325 Words
Debating Immigration Immigration is the movement of people into another nation with the intention of living there permanently. After a four centuries of immigration have passed and people have moved from region to region, the breeding of different races has caused there to be over two thousand different races. The social construction of stereotypes has a far greater impact on race. This is what leads to discrimination and finally unequal treatment and even hatred among immigrants of all shades of skin pigment. Like the history of past colonists who migrated to the USA started in the early 1600s, most modern day immigrants are motivated to relocate far from their original homes for the desire to improve†¦show more content†¦American Born citizens also believe in and practice differently then the rest of the American society, so why does the situation get slammed on immigrants when the participate in these activities? I mentioned this situation to a co-worker of mine, Brad Tibbs and this is what he said, Only in the USA can you be an American born citizen on welfare standing on a card board box in broad day light in the middle of a busy intersection, yelling at the top of your lungs I hate America and get away with it. In any other country where these people are coming from they would be killed for doing such a thing. When they come here to the USA they give or country more respect then our own Americans (Tibbs, Brad). Its really a true statement if you really take a moment to really absorb what Brad said. At first I was like whatever guy. Then I sat down and wrote what he had just said to me and it really does mean a lot to the way all people, of all races, immigrated or born citizen look at the USA. The motivation behind immigration to the USA over the last four hundred years was mainly done for two reasons. 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